Designing for positive People & Planet impacts
The rise of purpose and impact in business is a continuing trend, amplified post-pandemic and by an accelerating climate crisis.
I recently wrote about the need for a revised value equation where 'x'-ternalities - the People and Planet impacts - are explicitly considered in understanding the net value a company creates.
From understanding, the next step is (re)designing for better People & Planet business strategies.
In existing businesses, addressing negative People and Planet impacts requires a retrofitted revamp of legacy operations and products. Unfortunately, this retrofit is always more complicated as the pull-of-the-past surfaces barriers and slows transformational momentum.
In start-ups however, the beauty is that the business model is a blank page.
Your imagination is the only limitation as you begin to tease apart the problem you are solving to find the right fit between problem, solution and business model. This blank page offers the opportunity to design positive People and Planet impacts from day zero.
To facilitate the process of creating impactful new (or revised) business models that are People and Planet Positive, I’ve designed two strategy mapping templates:
The problem-solution map
The business value map
I will be iterating and building on these over time, so welcome feedback, suggestions and questions.